YJ Chung

© 2024 Yeon Jae Chung. All rights reserved.
b.1992, working @Seoul, S.Korea

MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art)
Class of 2018 - BFA General Fine Art, Graphic Design Concentration

Solo Shows
2022 - Young Korean Artist 2022, CICA, Seoul, S.Korea
2022 - Save my paintings, Seoul, Understnad Avenue, S.Korea
2019 - Pure Color:고유의 색, H.Artbridge Gallery, Seoul, S.Korea
2018 - Hidden Center, Gateway Gallery, MD, US

Group Shows
2023 - The Preview ArtFair, S-Factory, Seoul, S.Korea
2022 - Art in Metaverse, Understand Avenue, Seoul, S.Korea
2021 - Unbound Artfair, Ccollabo Haus Dosan, S.Korea
2021 - Backing Your Inspiration, Ccollabo Haus Dosan, S.Korea
2021 - 0=1, 유무, Space9 Gallery, Seoul, S.Korea
2020 - Breeze Art Fair, A Company, S.Korea
2019 - A Passage for Uncertainty, Art Space K, Seoul, S.Korea
2017 - Exelon Exhibition, Exelon, MD, US

Project Participation
2022 - Animation Designer <The Stranger> by Jihye Jung